Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My wriring style: A mini-course (concl.)

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Another one of my communications techniques is also "repetition". The latter, I use with points and issues of importance. There is an old adage in psychology that says that "there is truth in repetition".

This truism was unfortunately picked up and used with great success by Hitler’s evil but brilliant Psychiatrist and Propaganda Minister, Dr. Joseph Paul Goebbels.

He succeeded in using it in his frequent "mass-brainwashing" of large groups... masses of listeners...going as far as "convincing" hordes Jews that they and their people were indeed responsible for all the evils of World War II, thus deserved to pay the price by perishing in the Nazi concentration camps’ gas ovens. He even got them to loudly sing cheery songs as they marched to their final "shower" and horrible demise.

Goebbles "taught" the world by the verifiable, frightening efficiency of his theory that REPETITION Works with great accuracy. REPEAT a statement...ANY statement, even a LIE, often enough, and it begins to become accepted as the TRUTH in the mind of the listener(s). This Master of Evil's far reaching impact was reflected in the mass extermination of millions by his Nazi squads.

It would seem that the first group to utilize his powerful techniques was the American Advertising Industry. Many of its Agencies began to experiment with it, in particular, to promote cigarettes ("How many times can you include the word ‘CAMEL’ in their :30 [30 seconds] radio commercials"), soon followed by Coca Cola, Pepsi and then, just about every large Comapny out to influence the many. The rest is history.

While I, too, endorse this efficient system, I want to reassure you, dear Reader, by strongly emphasizing that I do so strictly use it in connection with Good, Truth, Beneficial, Positive, Helpful, Constructive and Health-promoting statements, facts, ideas, techniques and the like!

Furthermore, I shall bring up again and again the inherent dangers in failing to mentally "protect" yourself from allowing various outside negative influences to penetrate and ill-affect your sub-conscious brain cells...and demonstrate why and how negative thinking is as easy to influence your behavior patterns as is the positive,and, of course, I instruct how to do this productively.

As a classical illustration of my insistence on clarity, transparency, and avoidance of pontification, of misleading, confusing, ambiguous "deep dark abstract secrets and mysteries", such as are commonly performed in (too many) Cults and Religions...

I explain that, whenever I end important segments of my Seminars or Modulations (SEE: Glossary, below) with ‘..And This Is Definitely So!’, it is another (positive) application of repetition and a reminder that these are also the first letters of one of my acronym-titles (The I.D.S.: The Inner Dimension Seminars ©).

P.S.: I invite you, my dear Reader, to feel free to send me any/all related questions, as you read on and they occur to you...the 4 "c"s: comments, concerns, criticisms...even complaints to: Jacques@successgroup7.net or post these to this Blog...of which the most interesting, challenging, "catchy" and meaningful may be reprinted and shared in future writings, with the author’s prior Written permission.

Your Friend,


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