Friday, April 11, 2008

New Information on the Science of Sleep

Human beings sleep through one-third of their lives, yet why we sleep is one of the biggest unanswered questions of science. In the fascinating article from 60 Minutes, linked below, Lesley Stahl explores all of the latest scientific findings about the reasons for -- and functions of -- sleep.

Here is a sampling of what she found after talking with sleep researchers from across the United States:

You can die from sleep deprivation, just like you can die from being deprived of food.
Sleep can actually enhance your memories.
A single night of sleeping just four, five or even six hours can impact your ability to think clearly.
Sleep deprivation can cause changes in your brain activity similar to those experienced by people with psychiatric disorders.
Sleep deprivation puts your body into a pre-diabetic state, and makes you feel hungry, even if you’ve already eaten.
CBS News March 16, 2008

Courtesy: Dr.


Jacques Girard, Ph.D. said...

Dear "Alaguel de Computadores",
Thank you for your comment.
Regrettably, you gave me no personal name by which to call you.
I attempted several times to visit your blog, with no success.
If you wish, feel free to email me directly at:, so that we may communicate. And hug you right back!
Make it a Great weekend! Jacques

Jacques Girard, Ph.D. said...

P.S.: Sorry for the typo: I meant to write "alUguel..."--Ciao, J.G.