Monday, July 30, 2007

A brief personal war story ...

As a young boy at the start of WWII, my family and I attempted to escape the rapidly advancing Nazi invaders who were speeding across my native Belgium, as they also were Holland and France. This was their “Blitzkrieg” (Lightning War).

The "Exodus" of packed-to-the-limit horse carriages, cars, trucks, wheelbarrows, bicycles, motorcycles filled every escape route to France: the first stop to England. The British M.P.s made progress difficult by redirecting civilians to facilitate the retreat of their own troops towards the French port of Dieppe.

This is how, instead of being in Northern France, our car ended up back in Tournai, in South-Western Belgium. It was a strategic town in which three major roads met. This made it a prime target for day and night bombings by the German Air Force (The Luftwaffe). They blasted all but the roads themselves, and bridges which their fast moving Armies would soon need to use.

I’ll never forget the piercing screams of trapped (and eerie moans of wounded and dying) children and nuns in an orphanage which had just been bombed by the German Luftwaffe. It was situated immediately next to a large building in which we had been invited to seek temporary shelter.

The Germans used incendiary bombs about the size of hand-held propane gas refill bottles. Yet, they were devastating, as they contained phosphorus which, after exploding, spread fire and choking smoke far and wide.

Oddly enough, the relatively small bombs could created havoc, mayhem, death and destruction. In this particular instance, they managed to collapse the solidly built roof and adjoining walls of the Orphenage, covering entirely the shelter: the cellars where the nuns and children had sought refuge and were now suffocating from the smoke and perhaps also from phosphorus fire that seemed to penetrate through cracks everywhere.

My own fears, panic and confusion could not be alleviated by the reassurances of my parents. The acrid stench of the smoke, burning flesh and buildings, the eerie howling of the air raid alarms and German planes, the shaking turmoil of each explosion in the midst of the gloomy night...all these became this ten year old's worst nightmare.

The mixed sounds of strafing “Stuka” planes, on which the Germans had mounted types of “windpipes” which, when the plane would dive, would forcibly suck in the strong wind created by the plunging aircraft, thus producing a shrill, deafening, high-pitch, dissonant pandemonium .

Like so many free-falling, ocean-bound, beak first, fishing pelicans or sea gulls, each plane, sporting a Bold Black Cross on both sides and Swastika on the tail, was “tuned” to a different note.

The sum total of the strident, eardrums-and-brain-piercing decibels of all the plunging aircraft succeeded in producing a most terrifying “screaming concert from Hell”. A most effective, terrifying, demoralizing tactic ingeniously concocted by the Nazis’ insidious Machiavellian minds, headed by the frightfully brilliant, evil Dr. Joseph Goebbels, Adolph Hitler’s propaganda minister.

I must confess that this earh-shaking experience so traumatized me that, since, one of my own "PTS" (post-traumatic syndrome) is that I detest and cringe at the shrill, high-pitched decibels of upset, crying babies, wildly screaming children, and many adults. In the U.S., this ear-piercing "custom" may have been invented by hysterical "Bobby Soxers" and fans of early Frank Sinatra...:o(

My family and I had left the comfort and security of our Brussels home in hopes of reaching England and, ideally emigrate to America, where my Mother had relatives. Mostly, escape the terrifying prospects of living under “the Nazi boot”. Obviously, especially a child could easily become overwhelmed by the sudden and difficult-to-comprehend traumatic onslaught of changes. (Later on in my posts, I'll share with you the scientific, psychological analysis of "change(s)" and their emotional consequences.)

FYI: our efforts failed, and we ended up being forced back to Brussels after the speeding German tanks and motorcycles+side-cars overtook us and hordes of other would-be refugees ...Totally demoralized, depressed, insecure, worried about what would happen next. Uncertain of impending multiple dangers…chaos… fears…fears…fears…(soon to come: powerful techniques on helping you eliminate unfounded fears and worries from your minds!).

P.S.: My dear friends, I want to assure you that today’s post was in no way an “April Fools” gag!... It is, however, a bit of very personal nostalgic memorabilia... A loving Memorial on the occasion of the wedding Anniversary of my late, favorite sister and brother-in-law: the ones mentioned in my blurb about when we joined the Belgian “Underground” - a misnomer, since we were in a village atop the High Ardennes Mountains. :o).. Wishing you and yours a Happy Day!... (To be continued)

Your Friend,


Sunday, July 29, 2007

Staying Safe In Hot Weather

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Hi again!

Although it was announced weeks ago that ‘the rainy season’ was over, we have seen severe storms: thunder, lightning, hail the size of baseballs, torrential downpours that caused floods, destroyed homes, businesses and many lives.

On the other side of the spectrum, severe heat and droughts brought deaths and agricultural disasters.

Made me think that the only thing missing are locusts and the other plagues imposed upon Egypt before Moses took the Israelite slaves out of that nation cursed by God…

Since before the end of June, the weather in the south-western U.S. has been quite sunny and warm. The week of July 4th turned hot (it is supposed to be around 80 degrees F. at the beach and mid-to-upper 90s inland). So I feel compelled to share this excellent article with you, as heat is heat is heat is heat wherever you are – true?

We expect summer to be hot, so we may not think about the danger of heat waves. But heat-related problems claim more lives each year than lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, or earthquakes. Don't risk it this summer -- know what to look out for, how to protect yourself, and what to do just in case.

Possible Disorders by Heat Index

For those at higher risks for heat stroke, these are possible effects of continued exposure to high temperatures. The temperatures below are for heat index, and not necessarily actual temperature. Be sure to check your local weather forecast for a daily heat index.

80-90 degrees: Possible fatigue with prolonged exposure and/or physical activity.

90-105 degrees: Possible sunstroke, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion with prolonged exposure and/or physical activity.

105-130 degrees: Likely sunstroke, heat cramps, or heat exhaustion; possible heat stroke with prolonged exposure and/or physical activity.

130 degrees or higher: Heatstroke or sunstroke highly likely with continued exposure.

Possible Heat Disorder Symptoms

Sunburn: Redness and pain; can include swelling, blisters, headaches, and fever in severe cases.
First Aid: For mild cases, or if blisters appear but do not break, apply ointment. If blisters break, use a dry, sterile dressing. Extreme cases should always be treated by a physician.

Heat Cramps: Heavy sweating, as well as painful cramps in the leg and abdominal muscles.
First Aid: Relieve cramping with pressure on the muscles or gentle massage. Administer sips of water; discontinue if nausea occurs.

Heat Exhaustion: Cold, clammy skin, heavy sweating, weakness, fainting, weak pulse, and vomiting. It is possible to have a normal temperature.
First Aid: Get the victim out of the sun immediately. Make sure they are lying down, loosen clothing, and apply cool, wet cloths. As soon as possible, move to an air conditioned room. Administer sips of water unless nausea occurs. If vomiting occurs, seek professional medical help immediately.

Heat Stroke/Sunstroke:

Temperature of 106 degrees or higher: hot, dry skin; strong, rapid pulse. Possible unconsciousness.
First Aid: Summon medical help or get the victim to the hospital immediately. In the meantime, move the victim to a cooler environment, remove their clothes, and lower their body temperature with a cold bath or sponging. Do not administer fluids.

How to Avoid Heat-Related Problems

Dress appropriately. Wear lightweight clothing to help your body maintain normal temperatures, and light colors that will reflect (rather than absorb) sunlight.

Avoid getting too much sun. Not only are sunburns uncomfortable, but they also make it more difficult for your body to dissipate heat.

Cut down on proteins and salty foods. They increase your metabolism, which also increases water loss.

Drink plenty of water or other non-alcoholic beverage. Make sure to keep rehydrating constantly, even if you don't feel thirsty. (If you have any sort of medical condition, consult your physician before any dramatic change in your fluid intake.)

Avoid alcoholic beverages. A high alcohol intake can dehydrate you very quickly.

Make use of air conditioning. Stay near one as much as possible each day. If you don't have or can't afford one, try to find a building that does and spend some time there whenever you can.

Take it easy.
Limit any strenuous activities to the coolest place possible, or during the coolest part of the day. If possible, they should be eliminated wherever possible.

Stay cool!


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Saturday, July 28, 2007

The story of a week

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.
Hi, all!

This last week rushed by like a leaf in a windstorm…

My computer had been gradually misbehaving for some time, slowing down to a crawl. (Had it moved any slower, it would have been going in reverse!)…A couple of weeks ago, after being on for an hour or so, inside the tower, a series of “click-click, click-click, click-clicks” started catching my attention…emphasized by the robot grinding down to a halt.

A technician friend of mine came over and determined that my hard drive was about to breathe its last breath, and I advised me that I need to buy a new one…

I started making frantic calls to various and sundry expert techies, ending up at the beginning: the place where I had purchased this computer++ about four years ago.

Here, Koc Lay Fong, the Manager and a friend of mine, began testing..inserted the new 160 Gig. Cassette, struggled to save my years of writing and other documents, files, programs, saved stuff, etc. and found that I had over seventy items with viruses…

To make a long story longer, I spent yesterday, Friday afternoon at his Lab. “yea-ing” and “nay-ing” which items I was willing to live without, that he could be delet VS. those I could not afford to sacrifice.

He agreed to bring the unit safe for me to take with me and do some catch-up work such as this over the weekend and return it on next Monday for completion. This will include a new anti-virus program, a back-up system, and another memory bar or two, if needed…

The most amazing thing is that, to offset a very anxious week during which I (as a total computer “moron”, as I irreverently refer to myself at times) forced myself to trust that Koc Lay would be able to retain all my important data after deleting the viruses, while not understanding what magic he was doing…

It was as scary as submitting to the surgeon’s knife for an operation after being pronounced ridden with a wide variety of lethal cancers, tumors and other scourges.

On that positive note :o), I wish you a Happy weekend and moi, Good Luck! And now, I shall get our next post ready for you.


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Tuesday, July 24, 2007

My wriring style: A mini-course (concl.)

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Another one of my communications techniques is also "repetition". The latter, I use with points and issues of importance. There is an old adage in psychology that says that "there is truth in repetition".

This truism was unfortunately picked up and used with great success by Hitler’s evil but brilliant Psychiatrist and Propaganda Minister, Dr. Joseph Paul Goebbels.

He succeeded in using it in his frequent "mass-brainwashing" of large groups... masses of listeners...going as far as "convincing" hordes Jews that they and their people were indeed responsible for all the evils of World War II, thus deserved to pay the price by perishing in the Nazi concentration camps’ gas ovens. He even got them to loudly sing cheery songs as they marched to their final "shower" and horrible demise.

Goebbles "taught" the world by the verifiable, frightening efficiency of his theory that REPETITION Works with great accuracy. REPEAT a statement...ANY statement, even a LIE, often enough, and it begins to become accepted as the TRUTH in the mind of the listener(s). This Master of Evil's far reaching impact was reflected in the mass extermination of millions by his Nazi squads.

It would seem that the first group to utilize his powerful techniques was the American Advertising Industry. Many of its Agencies began to experiment with it, in particular, to promote cigarettes ("How many times can you include the word ‘CAMEL’ in their :30 [30 seconds] radio commercials"), soon followed by Coca Cola, Pepsi and then, just about every large Comapny out to influence the many. The rest is history.

While I, too, endorse this efficient system, I want to reassure you, dear Reader, by strongly emphasizing that I do so strictly use it in connection with Good, Truth, Beneficial, Positive, Helpful, Constructive and Health-promoting statements, facts, ideas, techniques and the like!

Furthermore, I shall bring up again and again the inherent dangers in failing to mentally "protect" yourself from allowing various outside negative influences to penetrate and ill-affect your sub-conscious brain cells...and demonstrate why and how negative thinking is as easy to influence your behavior patterns as is the positive,and, of course, I instruct how to do this productively.

As a classical illustration of my insistence on clarity, transparency, and avoidance of pontification, of misleading, confusing, ambiguous "deep dark abstract secrets and mysteries", such as are commonly performed in (too many) Cults and Religions...

I explain that, whenever I end important segments of my Seminars or Modulations (SEE: Glossary, below) with ‘..And This Is Definitely So!’, it is another (positive) application of repetition and a reminder that these are also the first letters of one of my acronym-titles (The I.D.S.: The Inner Dimension Seminars ©).

P.S.: I invite you, my dear Reader, to feel free to send me any/all related questions, as you read on and they occur to you...the 4 "c"s: comments, concerns, criticisms...even complaints to: or post these to this Blog...of which the most interesting, challenging, "catchy" and meaningful may be reprinted and shared in future writings, with the author’s prior Written permission.

Your Friend,


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Sunday, July 22, 2007

More "About my writing/speaking style"...

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.
Hi again!

NO! I haven’t given up on the Blogs, nor forgotten about you, dear friends!... Just returned after a week out of the area… had some pressing, unexpected business to take care of… you know how that goes, no?... Anyway, I hope you are all well and eager to read the next phase of this ”mini-course”… Here goes…

I occasionally enervate a few impatient individuals who demand and expect "instant gratification". You know: "skip the blah, blah and get to the point" types who want only to give piano concerts at Carnegie Hall, yet are too impatient, lazy, hyper, undisciplined or immature to acknowledge the fundamental necessity for extensive music lessons, training, rehearsals, preparation, laying the ground work, plowing the soil, etc.... I simply urge them to bear with me, as they will soon enjoy "smoothly rolling along" while deriving Many Rewarding Benefits! :o)

During live presentations, these are the individuals who frequently clear their throats, cough, shift around in their seats like restless little kids who need to "go potty", choose to allow themselves to become distracted by unrelated thoughts flashing through their anxious conscious minds (a common occurrence I like to compare to "a drunken monkey stung by a scorpion")...:o)

Conversely, those attendees who were truly dedicated and intent on accomplishing the ultimate purposes for which they agreed to enroll in my trainings and participate in them, fully appreciated, actually enjoyed and patiently "followed" my discourses with great ease and reported amazing results.

Rather than skim through my sessions using speedier methods, skipping essential details in order to get to the "bottom line" as quickly as possible, I choose to approach each and every topic (especially the "new" and potentially complex or controversial ones) with a gradual "peeling one thin layer at a time" carefully, systematically, gently exposing each, assuring complete understanding, then smoothly moving on to the next, then the next, and so on...

I achieve this by periodically "getting off track", as explained above, then return and close the circle of Clarity. This stratagem has been compared to an artist stepping away from the canvas to gain a better perspective. And, by inserting details into blank or undefined areas, renders the whole easy to fathom.

After years of perfecting this technique(*), it was conclusively shown that the detailed illustrations, clarifying methods, explanations, two-way discussions during each session, left no doubts, questions or confusions behind when I'd move on to the next topic, level or issue.
(*) It is a two-step process: 1- didactic/ inter-active; 2- experiential, greatly aided by a Modulation (my proprietary self-hypnotic inductive process) related to the topic at hand.

This is also why, at the beginning of my Seminars or Trainings (and, in this case: Writings) I urge my audiences to please refrain from interrupting. Rather, to write down all questions, and I promise that every one will be answered satisfactorily after I am done. Notwithstanding that "impatient heckling" is rather inconsiderate, a bit rude, self-centered A.G.s (atention getters), and may become irritating and distracting to the other participants... it will, in the end, prove to have been unnecessary as, using the techniques I share with you herein, chances are that I will have "covered" and answered all questions before they arise anyway...

I had the privilege of serving as Chapter President of the coveted N.S.A. (National Speakers’ Association) whose roster of members ranks amongst the most elite, internationally renowned personalities : former American Presidents, high-echelon Government, Military and Corporate Executives as well as highly paid, quite successful and respected top seminar leaders.

As a noted Public Speaker much in demand myself, I daresay (quite humbly, rest assured!) that my methodology became compared by a successful, renowned comedian friend of mine, to the most effective way to get your laughs when you reach the punch line : using three key elements in story telling: 1- the introduction ("setting the stage"), 2- the "body" (the "meat") and 3- the conclusion ("punch line").

And, besides having mastered the Art and Science of distinguishable enuniation, pronunciation, diction and projecting... when the raconteur also has a good sense of timing (knowing or sensing when to take a brief "breath" [a musical measure])... break up sentences "for effect", or to create anticipation, break the monotony with voice modulations, keep up the momentum and making sure that (s)he does not leave out any explanatory details on the way to the punch-line...the desired climactic outburst of laughter may invariably be expected!

Whereas if the story teller were to succinctly or incompletely introduce the premise, skip some of the details within the body in order to rush to the finishing line in record is most likely that the audience of one or many will fail to find the humor at the end, as those "holes" in the story, the missing pieces of the puzzle will have created some degree of confusion... Instead of automatically bursting into the amused, appreciative, hearty guffaws at the story’s conclusion, they often "miss the point" and find themselves uncomfortably struggling to figure it all out, thus find their way out of the resulting fog searching for the "hah, hah" portion,(or fake a chuckle in order to avoid appearing stupid to those who are laughing - in this case - probably being 'diplomatic" [or: hypocritical I mean]).

This is when those brown noses, know: the "nice", "polite", "kind", "diplomatic" (you already know my own dictionary definition of these "$3.00 bills") serve as the spittoons of lousy joke or story tellers, oftentimes to bosses or superiors they feel obligated to flatter, causing forced laughter to echo through the room like an overflowing toilet. You’ll find some in every crowd...know what I mean?...(To be continued)...

About the Author:SEE PROFILE
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About the Author:SEE PROFILE
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Sunday, July 15, 2007

A quick course about my writing style

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

"To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; to be credible we must be truthful." (Edward R. Murrow, Journalist)

Although I studied, practiced and successfully mastered the "Art and Science" of Speaking ("Public" and within the area of conducting Seminars, Trainings, private consultations and the like) and writing my own researched materials and manuals, nevertheless I never got around to taking "formal" writing courses.

An excellent and "convenient" reason for this was "handed me" by a prominent Public personality who urged me not to learn the merchanics of professional writing,stating that he found my style, humor, timing, wit ( and many other flattering compliments ), dynamically displayed during the live Seminars I was conducting in person, so unique and refreshing that, to use "the mechanics: learned tricks, techniques, etc." would tend to water down "the charming essence of Jacques Girard, and represent a sad loss of individuality, thus: credibility"

He further insisted that, to be and sound like myself : real, transparent, honest, straight from the shoulder, real, sincere, "down to earth" with no regard to "diplomacy" ( which he agreed with my critique that the latter is but the first cousin of "hypocrisy": telling "them" what they want or prefer to hear rather than the true facts and what you truly feel and think ) was what had most impressed him.

He also praised the obvious conscientiousness with which I research, double-check, verify and test the authenticity of my facts, statements and results, so that I may feel confident that I only share reliable, dependable and helpful truisms.

He expressed with enthusiasm that, for me to " write exactly as I speak " may, at first, appear a bit unusual to the readers, but, as soon as they become familiar with my "style", they should soon become comfortable with it, relax and enjoy it.

Since he was not the only notable person to offer such complimentary remarks, I felt flattered and encouraged to "go for it": being 100% "myself", non-egotistically, and eager to share the Best, the essence of all I have painstakingly learned and gleaned over decades of study and practice.

First of all, let me tell you that I may appear to, or actually, "talk—talk—talk".
Another trait people have observed is that I/ my mind may (appear to) wander.
The latter are part of my "style". You will find that, although I periodically get off track, it is intentional, planned, for an important, ultimate, "bigger" purpose, and I always return to exactly where I left off ( before I so rudely interrupted myself ) and go on from there...:o)

The advantage being that I will have "filled in", explained, clarified points and issues which, otherwise, could easily have confused or left you in doubt, as would all cliff-hangers.

I have, over the years, spent enormous amounts of time on thorough, in-depth research and efforts to selectively coin words, sentences, even developed a vocabulary of my own, to supplement existing verbiage, which I will be sharing with you.

It is composed of words with, and for, specific purposes...also known as "word/ images", destined to produce within the subconscious regions of your brain "mini- explosions" of thoughts, ideas, pictures, visualizations enhanced by your own Imagination.(Albert Enstein had this framed expression hanging on the wall of his office, behind his desk: "Imagination is more powerful than Knowledge").

If this quick descriptive is not yet totally clear, please don’t be concerned. As we progress, please trust that any momentary "fog" will soon dissipate!

These word/images, of which I just spoke, are subtly included and intentionally positioned within my sentences to create subliminal images, pictures (still and moving), scenes, symbolisms and, more importantly, beneficial results.

It is a known scientific fact that the latter comprise "the preferred language" of the sub-conscious brain cells and networks of the "memory bank" and other essential subliminal regions that affect and drive our ongoing moment-by-moment, daily living experiences.

Thus: by addressing them in a tongue with which they are most familiar and "at home", rather than mere "words", tends to act as a short-cut between conscious or wilfull intentions, commands, instructions, goals and other messages we send into the subconscious...which, in turn, launches the desired responses and actions.

Better still: if word/images are used as dynamic triggers, as will be illustrated below, since the sub-conscious never sleeps nor ever gets tired (as opposed to the conscious part of the brain), this process will work for you day and night, even as you deeply sleep! (Contiunued tomorrow)...

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About the Author:SEE PROFILE
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Saturday, July 14, 2007

The Benefits of Forgiving

This slight departure from our series is well worth making.

Forgiveness means giving up all hope of a better past.
(Landrum Bolling)

" Consistently happy people are either in one of two conditions. Either no one has ever wronged or slighted them in any way. Or else they have forgiven those who have. Since it is almost impossible not to have been wronged or slighted, if you want to master happiness, you need to learn how to forgive.

Forgiving is like floating on water. You don't need to do anything. You just need to let go. When you were a young child of five or six, you became angry at your brothers, sisters, friends, and classmates. You might have even said, "I won't forgive you." Now when you look back at the vast majority of those situations, you will see that they were trivial.

It is, at present, easy for you to forgive someone for not giving you a bite of their ice cream, not letting you play with their toys, or grabbing your ice cream or toys.

Just as you have already forgiven them, you will be able to forgive others for more recent events when you realize that most things are trivial when compared to your emotional and spiritual well-being.

We all need our Creator's forgiveness. By forgiving others, we elevate ourselves and render ourselves more worthy of being forgiven. When you find it difficult to forgive, pray with your own words for the strength to forgive."

By Dr. Yehuda Lave.


Monday, April 16: A sad Post Scriptum...

Starting at 7:00 A.M. this morning...then, restarted and horrifically concluded a couple of hours later, the shocking news has filled the media all day long...

What will go down as "the worst school campus gun violence massacre in U.S. History" occurred today at the heretofore "safe, serene" Virginia Tech.'s Engineering School.

A college age young shooter, armed with two guns and multiple 15-rounds clips opened fire and didn't stop until 33 students, faculty members and himself were slaughtered, and 29 injured...presently hospitalized or undergoing surgey. Not to make light of this infamous feat, nor to depress you by the following, it sends shivers down my spine to realize that these numbers pale compared to Iraq's daily inhuman suicide bomber-caused carnages.

"Our" mass murderer was not an Islamic terrorist, just a 23-year-old disgruntled Korean-born sociopathic college senior, Cho Seung Hui, an angry, confused, disturbed loner who "flipped out", cracking under the yoke of his own ongoing aberrant self-talk.

Eerily enough, today is also the sad Memorial of the Holocaust, respected by Jews around the World. One of the Virginia Tech. assassin's victims was a Roumanian Jew and Holocaust survivor, Professor Liviu Librescu, who chose the College town for its peacefulness!

NBC-TV just aired a Special hour-long report with Anne Curry and Bryan Willams interviewing surviving students still in a state of shock...and compared today's nightmare with that of the Columbine School massacre of just a few years ago.

One of their surviving students ("Craig"), now 24, vividly recalled the fright of crouching on the Library floor as bullets flew...hearing the agonizing moans and painful breething of the wounded and dying...amongst whom was his sister Rachel...

His advanced case of "Post Traumatic Syndrome" disorders caused him severe angers, outbursts, guilt, nightmares, fears, auditory and visual flashbacks for a couple of years.

One of the exercises he was given to practice in Therapy was "Forgiveness"...By doing this, he "began to feel tremendous relief" from all his problems.

The biggest revelation was the realization that "Forgiveness is like setting free a prisoner...then realizing that the prisoner was you..."

My deepest thoughts of sympathy, support and healing go to the innocent victims of this cataclism and their families.

And now, back to a cherrier topic and mood: Happy Bastille Day! (Just as, on St. Patrick's Day, "everyone is Irish"---Today, French!) :o)


Friday, July 13, 2007


Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D. another vital part of your complex Subconscious Brain’s network of "departments". These can inspire, guide, motivate, elevate, reduce, empower, de-energize, encourage, discourage, make you feel like a giant or like some worthless loser, depending on what is filed within them.

Your Belief System (I irreverently choose to call it B.S. for short!)...Don't laugh!, for as you accompany me on this exciting, eye-opening journey through your Subconscious brain, you will realize that the contents of your B.S. is a pot-pourri of the descriptives in the previous paragraph.

How You choose to allow the latter to affect your daily, moment-by-moment thinking, feeling, speech, actions and living as a whole is a dynamic directly influenced by your subliminal B.S., which is truly pivotal in steering your behavioral patterns throughout life. HABITS also enter into this highly complex equation, and much will be said about the latter as we go.

To put it simply: "What you Believe is so, especially if it is something you have gotten in the habit of thinking, saying, doing, feeling like...for you IS so !"... and you'd argue, insist, defend, justify, "prove", even defend to the death that it IS SO! Sounds familiar, hey what? :o)

Interestingly enough, if you’d cut out the ‘F’: BELIEF becomes BELIE..which bluntly tells us that our Belief System (too frequently) belies the truth and what IS truthfully so!... And, split in half, is but ‘BE + LIE’ or, as some would say : ‘it Be a Lie’...

For, Remember that all the "facts and figures" that were "fed" to us over the years, now and forever dwell in our subconscious "Belief System"... Unfortunately, the VAST majority of these messages are bald-faced lies...

...False, erroneous, dangerous, harmful, negative, destructive, demeaning, belittling, dehumanizing data of questionable origin... oftentimes passed on from generation to generation of, and by, uneducated, ignorant, misinformed, naive, gullible, superstitious, fanatical, prejudiced, dim-witted, narrow-minded, even illiterate sources...and the further we reach back in time through our ancestry, the scarier it gets!

Think about it!...Realistically speaking, didn't most of the "stuff", such as advice, home remedies, dos and don'ts, die-hard "facts" (including lots and lots of them passed on by titled "Experts"), and the like, originated ages ago, long before the wise men and women who came up with these gems had much, if any, schooling, scientific evidence, sophistication, culture, and the benefit of pragmatic, verifiable Knowledge?

Please believe that this is neither an indictment, nor a "call to arms", nor a rebellious, disrespectful, insulting, emotional outburst of sorts against our forebears.

We ARE indeed objectively talking about our own ancestors, family members, friends, strangers, teachers, lay and religious, neighborhood cops, laws and lawmakers, newcasters, and so on... passing along often unverified, unfounded hearsay and gossip which they themselves "inherited" generation by generation.

Even the "sound, carved in granite, sound scientific Facts, Rules, Dos and Don'ts" propagated by the "Experts" are constantly retracted, proven to be incorrect after all, or replaced by more recent updates: Oooops!es of the future...

The manure pile got eventually mixed up with positive, reliable, sound, accurate, dependable, fact-based, verifiable information having emanated from that precious ethereal reservoir of knowledge, and these, too, became a part of your B.S.

Your Belief System might be said to be the kinesthetic, the emotional portion of your Subconscious "Memory Bank" which has been "forever", and continues to be, a vital part of the Subconscious, Right hemisphere of the Brain by means explained in our upcoming section on the Brain.

Just as it is commonly said that "You are what you eat" this instance: "You are, and will become, what you frequentlty think and Believe you are, or will turn into!"...(Jacques Girard)

The Belief System is closely related to your Habits, which it strongly influences and directs (Be sure to SEE the sections devoted to Changing... Getting Rid of Unwanted Habits...and forming new "good" ones, when these posts will be published)

Since it is a subliminal entity, you are not conscious or aware of all that it is doing for or against you in your moment-to-moment thoughts, decisions, feelings, speech and consequential actions or reactions. It responds to the ways you think and talk to yourself, mentally, repetitiously ("Self-Talk")

Which is why it is YOUR duty to control the "garbage" portions which seep out and get you to act the negative, "strange" and self-defeating ways you do at times... then cannot understand what just took place...and become amazed or upset at yourself... Or that "stupid thing" you just said or did...sometimes hitting your forehead with your open in the "I could have had a V-8" commercial...

Remember some of the times this sort of thing happened?...

Beginning with this series of eye-and-mind-openers being warmly shared for your benefit and well-being, and expanded during our The I.D.S. and S.L.I.M. For Life © Seminars series, I suggest you relax and rest assured that we shall give you the solutions to the problems being aired, and the answers to those gnawing questions which may have been puzzling you!

All that is needed for you to do is to practice the indicated principles and short-cuts to Wellness, Happiness and Fulfillment, which we are sending you with love and supportiveness. For, the more mentally, emotionally and physically "sane and sound" people inhabit the planet, the safer, more secure and peaceful our humankind shall be for future generations to come...

So, consider this our sincere contribution to this gigantic, world-wide effort to help improve the quality of life for millions of people around the globe. We humbly ask that you do your share by making these real, viable guidelines work for you, yours and then many others...virtually help spread a powerful epidemic of positive forces to help offset the daily strife, killings, deadly diseases and other evils. Let it begin with You!

It is also interesting to note that whatever it is that you Firmly Believe in, is, is so, Becomes so for you and all who are affected by you.

A few years ago, a fellow "invented" a "Magic...Powerful...Super-charged Mini"God" that you could hold in the palm of your hand...ask or pray to it for things to do or accomplish for you, and MANY users Believed and even reported that "it really worked".

This little, miraculous item, whose popularity spread like wildfire made a multi-millionaire of its creator, who had started the whole fad (See: "About FADS" in upcoming posts) with a strictly tongue-in-cheek attitude, and called it the "Pet Rock"!...

It was a smooth, flat or slightly rounded garden or roadside variety, that he washed thoroughly and painted a Happy Face on. And "tons" of people spent $5.00 and up for each!...

They gave each a name...treated it like one would one of Alladin's Magic Lamps... asked it for favors, many of which were reported as being fulfilled... further proving that anything You choose to Believe, or Believe In, allow and welcome into your Belief System actually may or will "work" for you!

The great ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) and favorite student of another renowned Greek Master, Plato, left us much with which to help us live a better and happier life, one enhanced by the wisdom of the ages. I shall now share a small portion of his quotes and thinking on "habits" with you...

Men acquire a particular quality by constantly acting in a particular way’

Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.’

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act, but a habit’

Ponder these gems, and put them to good use during our "Promises...Promises...Promises: How To Make Fewer of them and KEEP Every ONE !’ Series of Life-Altering exercises...More wonderous pathways to travel...

Our next post will expose you to a few awesome classics to "feed" into your Belief System. They are like doses of strong tonic, energizing vitamins for an anemic Self.

And now, let me wish every one of you, my friends, a Propitious, Fortunate Friday the 13th., even if, like me, you are not supersticious! :o)


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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Getting Rid of Unfounded FEARS and WORRIES From Your Mind

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

1. Get ALL the FACTS
2. EXAMINE All the FACTS (To help you do so: SEE (*) below)
3. Make a DECISION
4. If the DECISION is that ACTION is required: MAKE a PLAN OF ACTION
5. GO into ACTION...DO IT NOW!

(*) WRITE OUT and ANSWER the following questions:

1. WHAT IS the problem?
2. WHAT and/or WHO is/are the CAUSE(S) of the PROBLEM? (INCLUDE YOURSELF).
And, when "YOU" are the Answer, make sure you do NOT "beat yourSelf on the chest" Unjustifiably!
3. WHAT are ALL the possible SOLUTIONS?
4. Of ALL the possible solutions, WHICH is the BEST solution for YOU?
5. Ask yourself: "WHAT IS the WORST that can POSSIBLY Happen?"
6. Prepare to Accept the Worst while Planning for BETTER
7. Bravely DO ALL you Can to Improve the "Worst"
8. Bear in mind that WORRIES and FEARS cause Negative Stress (DIS-stress and Anxiety which CAN SEVERELY DAMAGE YOUR HEALTH!), and NOTHING is Worth That!!
9. RELEASE...LET GO OF..."FORGIVE and FORGET" ALL Past Events,Disagreements, Failures, Mistakes, Resentments and other Negative, counter-productive memories
10. RECALL ALL the "Good", POSITIVE and SUCCESSFUL things YOU Have caused to Happen in Your life and that of others, and USE these recollections to offset your Fears and Worries of the moment
11. FILL YOUR MIND with thoughts of PEACE, COURAGE, SUCCESS, HEALTH, FULFILLMENT, HOPE and LOVE for YourSelf, Others and the Universe
13. RESPECT and LOVE YourSelf. REMEMBER that YOU ARE UNIQUE and have MANY Qualities, Capabilities and Talents which Are ADMIRED and even ENVIED by Others!...
14. ...Therefore, DO NOT concern yourself with what OTHERS have or are... DO NOT IMITATE or Begrudge Others out of ENVY, GREED or JEALOUSY...Rather: transcend these and EMULATE out of an uplifting SENSE OF PURPOSE
15. Count ONLY your Blessings
16. Look upon your losses and mistakes as Opportunities from which to LEARN and GROW, yet NOT "investments" which Life Challenges impose upon you occasionally to Earn Better and Bigger Rewards Ahead...And This Is Definitely So!

"One must think about a problem until it hurts...until it seems there cannot be another aspect of it that hasn’t been considered.
(Roy Herbert Thomson, entrepreneur)

"Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is a daring adventure or nothing at all!" (Helen Keller)

"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, lucky, blessed, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone.

And, as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

What you have just read was not written by me. It was written by Marianne Williamson and it is an excerpt from her book ‘A Return To Love: Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles.’

While I did not pen the words just above, I believe in them and believe in the greatness that is ALREADY in You and me. There are some of you who have never had anyone believe in you and tell you this so, with your permission, may I be the first? There is greatness already in you and I believe in you!...

Your Friend,


P.S.: “I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time.” (Anna Freud, Psychologist)

"A big part of financial freedom is having your heart and mind free from worry about the what-ifs of life."
(Suze Orman, Personal Finance author and Media Personality)

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Shelly had been having recurring nightmares. She dreamt every night that a Huge Dragon would chase her, fire shooting out of its nostrils...its sharp teeth-filled mouth wide open, allowing a long, split tongue to protrude, snake-like. It made constant, roaring, menacing, high decibel sounds which scared Shelly half to death.

The dragon kept coming closer and closer. Its savage noises made Shelly's heart beat so wildly, she thought it would choke her...the heat of the flames was starting to cause the nape of her neck to feel as if it was on fire. And then, the nightmare would stop, leaving Shelly in a sweat, filled with fear and horror.

One night, when the nightmare returned in full force, she decided to end this nightly torture by taking a chance and test her bravery. This time, as the dragon was getting uncomfortably close, she stopped running, turned around, facing her torturer, staring him in the eyes...

Shelly yelled at him angrily : "YOU!...WHY are you chasing and scaring me to death every night? WHAT do you WANT from me?", to which the dragon, after calmly shrugging his shoulders, answered: " Heck if I know, lady!...After all: It’s YOUR dream!" :o)

"The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward."
(Robyn Davidson)

Have another Happy, Fearless, Worry-Free Day!

Your Friend,


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About the Author:SEE PROFILE
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

On Unfounded FEARS & WORRIES...

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Exhaustive psychological tests have been conducted over the years by various groups and Institutions on the subject of "FEARS and WORRIES" which seem to preoccupy the vast majority of people and are constantly on their minds.

One of the most dramatic such findings occurred in the 1960s when a clinical study of more than fifty thousand random participants showed a common thead amongst the processes of the human brain (Conscious).

When briefly stopped on public streets and corners, and asked, "WHAT were you just thinking?" or "What was mainly on your mind in the last ten minutes?", a VAST percentage of interviewees admitted that the nature of their self-talk and preoccupations revolved around negative thoughts, such as
(1): " I’m running late!...I’ll arrive late at work again!...the boss will be angry with me!...I may lose my job!...etc.."
...or (2): "I forgot to pay my phone (or electric, gas, etc.) bill!... They’re going to disconnect my service!..." and like panic/ disaster stressors...
...or (3): A great variety of concerns with health matters...possible unwanted pregnancy... personal, money, income issues, etc., etc...

I will stop for a spell, to tell you a funny joke I heard a while back about two old friends, Eastern European emigrees who work in the same neighborhood : Sam and Henry. Every business morning, they’d meet in the street, greet each other, chit-chat for a few minutes, and the like.

One day, Sam brings up to Henry that "We have been meeting here for years, and each day, you ask me how are my wife, my children, my parents doing...but NOT ONCE did you EVER ask "how is by me da Business!".

So Henry says, "Oh! I’m so sorry, Sam!...SO, How’s by you da business?’ which Sam shrugs...grimaces and retorts: "Oy!..Don’t ASK!" :o)

Having taken down the phone numbers of the interviewees, the Research teams were able to further check the outcomes of the shared worrisome matters, and THIS is where it was found in about 98% of ALL fifty thousand+ cases, that what they had initially reported as fearing or worrying about NEVER MATERIALIZED!

(1) In work-related Fears of being yelled at, warned, reprimanded, fired, etc., in MOST instances, the TRUE end results were far more pleasant and non-threatening than had been anticipated mentally.
For instance: the boss either said or did nothing ‘bad’, or actually was in a good mood...greeted the stressed employee with a smile...paid him/her a compliment...or arrived later than they had!...etc. :o)

(2) When the delinquent customer called the utilities company, the latter actually, and without any pressure, gave them a time extension...and were very nice with them.:o)

(3) Health, relationships and other feared problems turned out far, far better than had been anticipated, again, in over 98% of ALL instances! :o)

Please remember that over fifty thousand people were surveyed!...and MANY other similar studies were made since with comparable results!...

The cost to your Health, Peace of Mind, Blood pressure and overall mood become ill-affected each time you worry and get stressed over something!...You become DE- energized, depressed, anxious, confused and far less capable of calmly facing and properly handling the less than 2% of the feared troubles...

This is NOT an effort to encourage or condone forgetfulness, irresponsible actions and other escapistic behavior patterns!

Simply weigh ALL the odds...DO Take whatever Action may or will help you cope with, overcome and resolve the impending danger or threatening situation, so that you may Live Happier, Healthier and Longer while fulfilling your obligations and commitments.

To further help you do so, I shall, in the next post, insert a very practical chart for your reference and use with my warmest, supportive Best wishes!

Have a Happy, Fearless, Worry-Free Day!

Your Friend,


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Monday, July 9, 2007

The ETHER (a story from the Kabbala)

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

The most decent disclaimer I can think of publishing, in cases where you, my good friends and readers, believe that you “have read or heard this or that somewhere before”, is the following.

It is an ancient tale from the Kabbala, which best illustrates and simplifies a possible answer for this perpetual dilemma of ‘deja-vu’ which has puzzled generations…

Three-year-old Moyshele looked with anticipation to the turn of the road traveled daily by his older brother Chaim …This was late afternoon and Chaim was due to return home from the Yeshiva (Rabbinical Hebrew School)...

Moyshele always greeted him with an eager "What did you learn today?"... Chaim’s answers helped him make up for the fact that he was still considered too young to attend Yeshiva classes…

Chaim had a knack for posing insightful questions to the Rabbi… causing the conscientious teacher to search through the Scriptures...Torah..Kabbala...often for hours... Much to the delight and appreciation of all the students who, then, could play while their Master was seeking gems of ageless Wisdom…

One particular day, Chaim’s question was so deep and complex that it actually took the Rabbi the entire day to find an acceptable answer...He explained away his marathon investigations by simply stating to his flock that "the study of the Torah may be very hard, but is truly fulfilling!"

That afternoon, as Moyshele greeted his brother, the latter bragged about the difficulty of his daily question… When Moyshele asked "What was the question?" and Chaim told him...almost instantly, without much thought, Moyshele responded with an answer that was identical to that found by his scholarly Teacher!...

Amazed, he took his little genius of a brother in his arms and carried him home…

The next day, Chaim proudly bragged about Moyshele’s feat to the entire class. He then "rubbed it in" to the Rabbi and asked, "How come that it took you, who are a respected Scholar and Expert in Biblical studies, an entire day to come up with the exact same answer that my little three-year-old broher knew instantly, Rabbi?"…

Without any defensiveness or excuse-making, the Rabbi simply replied: "You see, my dear Chaim, there is such a thing as "the ETHER " in God’s Universe...It is an invisible area of the firmament above, into which every thought, every idea, every event, every discovery that ever occurred or was created in any field throughout the World since Time Immemorial is entered…

Here, the "gem" is filed..saved and becomes instantly available to any one of us who sincerely and humbly seeks it!...This is how, as I was privileged to find the answer to your perplexing question yesterday, after much seeking…it went straight into Heaven’s Library..the "Ethereal reservoir"…where Moyshele was able to find it instantly!..."

I thought of sharing this old traditional story with you, as a follow-up and charming illustration to my previous mention of the fact that, "if bits and pieces of what I am and shall be sharing with you 'sound familiar' to you: GREAT!"...Echoes of the past... so, enjoy...absorb…and benefit!

Your Friend,


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About the Author:SEE PROFILE
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Sunday, July 8, 2007

More about Dr. Jacques Girard's activities...

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Updated Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The S.L.I.M. For Life (c) training is a powerful weight management system that uses Dr. Girard's proprietary autogenic (self-induced and controlled) behavior modification techniques - easy to learn and practice daily for optimum and long lasting effectiveness.

After the graduates' ideal weight and measurements goals are reached, weight maintenance further becomes an automatic fresh way of life through the sustained use of his Inner Dimensions deep self-hypnosis methods.

Best of all, to reinforce the fact that this is the safest and most risk-free means through which to gradually, pleasantly and permanently become 'Slim For Life', the system involves NO
*pills/drugs * fad/privation dieting or special foods * surgical interventions * backbreaking exercising * calories counting, portion weighing * obsessiveness/ nervousness/anxiety/ stress/ frustration /resentment / guilt, etc. -producing regimentation and taboos...

..simply the daily practice of listening to Dr.Girard's relaxing, deep Self-Hypnosis tapes or CDs, in which he uses No 'subliminal' (inaudible) sounds or verbiage. It is all quite 'transparent', non- threatening and above-board.

On the contrary: participants are encouraged to listen to their tapes or CDs while in a waking state, and to invite any qualified Professional they trust to do so as well, if they desire a 'second opinion'.

Dr. Girard does interject many 'word/images' which he developed, tested and have proven to trigger a day-and-night ongoing increased speed in the metabolic dynamics, as well as depressing the hunger pangs and cravings centers...while safeguarding lean muscle mass, bone density, skin tone and firmness.

Dr. Girard taught at several Southern California Universities, and contributed many innovative techniques, including in Hypno-anesthesiology at the U.S.C., L.A. School of Dentistry..and to numerous O/R Surgeons and Nurses, for the sake of patients who are allergic to anesthetics or 'afraid of needles'.

He was also awarded a Lifetime Teaching Certificate valid at any/all California State Community Colleges...earned several Certificates in Master Hypnosis, Hypnotheray and N.L.P. (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

Dr. Girard researched, developed and conducted countless seminars on a wide spectrum of topics in the private, business and professional arenas..with pragmatic applications and lasting benefits...whose dramatic results were heralded in numerous testimonials, accolades, interviews, articles in the press and personal guest appearances on Radio and Television 'Talk Shows".

Specializing in headache/migraine and weight control in private practice for many years, Dr. Girard shared a Clinic with his friend and partner, Fleming Josefson, M.F.C.C., a protege and graduate of the world-renowned Dr. Milton Erickson, the 'Father' of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, which was later commercialized by two other graduates: Richard Bandler and John Grinder.

Dr. Girard shared with another one of his close friends and associates: Jack Rosenberg, aka 'Werner Erhard' the essence of what became the foundation of the latter's "est" (Erhard Seminars Trainings). Then, he helped him launch the program which became a global success for ten years, when Werner decided to retire.

Dr. Girard is a past President of several Chapters of Southern California's Clinical Hypnotherapists' Association. Subsequently, he was mandated by the majority of the professional membership to become its California State President for several years.

Simultaneously, he also served as a Chapter President of the prestigious N.S.A. (National Speakers' Association), whose membership roster incorporates world renowned business, professional, government and military leaders. This, as a public speaker in high demand and part of his extensively conducting contracted special trainings and motivational courses at Corporate and University levels.

As an inveterate Humanitarian, Dr. Girard, in the 1980s, formed and ran a non-profit, tax- exempt Foundation, The STOP CRIME Seminars, which he personally financed.

Without seeking government, tax-payers' funds, he volunteered his time and effective techniques to teach his customized seminars to male and female inmates of several Southern California Penal Institutions and "half-way houses" 3-5 evenings a week.

The resulting successes obtained with his graduates literally shocked the late and highly respected Sheriff Sherman Block, the reigning 'Pope' of Los Angeles County's Sheriff Department for years. That department also supervised the L.A. county jails and prisons.

To Wit: 57 inmates participated in Dr. Girard's initial series of seminars, and were subsequently paroled. After over one full year following their release, monitoring them non-oppressively showed that Not One of them was ever re-arrested for committing any new crime(s), nor breached parole! This was a feat totally unprecedented in L.A. County's history of high recidivism (up to 95% within as little as six weeks, according to Sheriff Block!).

Dr. Girard was subsequently made an Honorary Peace Officer in Southern California and Baja California, MX., where he further volunteered to instruct Law Enforcement Officers in interrogation techniques, using primarily N.L.P. These proved to be more effective and accurate than 'lie detector' machines or thiopental sodium (sodium pentothal), while facilitating the conducting of the questioning procedures in a non-threatening and humane mode.

While consulting, training and motivating corporate executives and employees,he studied and mastered Marketing, Sales, Closing and germane techniques. These served him well in his own entrepreneurial and investing endeavors. Achieved remarkable "tours de force" in the Film, Entertainment, Imports-Exports Industries.

He is presently contributing his experience to a community within Tijuana, B.C...after he was named its Chief of Vigilance and Security. He is coordinating the support of top Police decision makers on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico borders, with a goal of rendering the 'LAS CALIFORNIAS' an exemplary model community.

Peace, safety, relative quiet, crimelessness, respect for the Law..neighbors caring and watching out for neighbors, their property, lives and limbs and helping to improve human conditions and the quality of life are already becoming apparent. The total absence of graffiti is but the first pleasant sign of aesthetics and decorum here.

Dr. Girard expects to inspire, motivate and positively 'infect' other areas of the City where crimes of all sorts are still common and to invite their leaders to emulate 'LAS CALIFORNIAS'.

'Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't.'

(Pete Seeger)

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Saturday, July 7, 2007


Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Millions of superstitious individuals and numerologists around the Globe are thinking, saying and doing all sorts of out-of-the usual things in the honor of the rare three SEVENS reminiscent of slot machines’ Jackpots… believing that they are LUCKY.

As a matter of fact, "they" say that TODAY IS THE LUCKIEST DAY OF THE CENTURY!

Oddly enough, I use the diminishing progression of 21 down to 7 as a part of the count-downs and up of my Modulations.

The host of a television talk show who interviewed me several times stated that 7 is a number symbolizing completion, and 21, a multiple of 7 vibrates strongly within this realm.

While I am not superstitious, nor did I study numerology, just as any “good news” uttered by a palmist or crystal ball gazer is always pleasant to hear, whether or not one believes in these, so is the above concept related to today’s date.

After all, we like to say in French that “Hope makes us live”…so do I wish you and yours all the Good Luck, Health and Fortune of the 7-7-7...and a tremendous weekend!

Your Friend,


About the Author:SEE PROFILE
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Thursday, July 5, 2007

Summer Heat Safety

Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

ArcaMax Publishing > Weather

Since before the end of June, the weather in the south-western U.S. has been quite sunny and warm. The week of July 4th turned hot (it is supposed to be around 80 degrees F. at the beach and mid-to-upper 90s inland. So I feel compelled to share this excellent article with you, as heat is heat is heat is heat wherever you are – true?

Summer Heat Safety

We expect summer to be hot, so we may not think about the danger of heat waves. But heat-related problems claim more lives each year than lightning, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, or earthquakes. Don't risk it this summer -- know what to look out for, how to protect yourself, and what to do just in case.

Possible Disorders by Heat Index

For those at higher risks for heat stroke, these are possible effects of continued exposure to high temperatures. The temperatures below are for heat index, and not necessarily actual temperature. Be sure to check your local weather forecast for a daily heat index.

80-90 degrees: Possible fatigue with prolonged exposure and/or physical activity.

90-105 degrees: Possible sunstroke, heat cramps, and heat exhaustion with prolonged exposure and/or physical activity.

105-130 degrees: Likely sunstroke, heat cramps, or heat exhaustion; possible heat stroke with prolonged exposure and/or physical activity.

130 degrees or higher: Heatstroke or sunstroke highly likely with continued exposure.

Possible Heat Disorder Symptoms

Sunburn: Redness and pain; can include swelling, blisters, headaches, and fever in severe cases.
First Aid: For mild cases, or if blisters appear but do not break, apply ointment. If blisters break, use a dry, sterile dressing. Extreme cases should always be treated by a physician.

Heat Cramps: Heavy sweating, as well as painful cramps in the leg and abdominal muscles.
First Aid: Relieve cramping with pressure on the muscles or gentle massage. Administer sips of water; discontinue if nausea occurs.

Heat Exhaustion: Cold, clammy skin, heavy sweating, weakness, fainting, weak pulse, and vomiting. It is possible to have a normal temperature.
First Aid: Get the victim out of the sun immediately. Make sure they are lying down, loosen clothing, and apply cool, wet cloths. As soon as possible, move to an air conditioned room. Administer sips of water unless nausea occurs. If vomiting occurs, seek professional medical help immediately.

Heat Stroke/Sunstroke:

Temperature of 106 degrees or higher; hot, dry skin; strong, rapid pulse. Possible unconsciousness.
First Aid: Summon medical help or get the victim to the hospital immediately. In the meantime, move the victim to a cooler environment, remove their clothes, and lower their body temperature with a cold bath or sponging. Do not administer fluids.

How to Avoid Heat-Related Problems

Dress appropriately. Wear lightweight clothing to help your body maintain normal temperatures, and light colors that will reflect (rather than absorb) sunlight.

Avoid getting too much sun. Not only are sunburns uncomfortable, but they also make it more difficult for your body to dissipate heat.

Cut down on proteins and salty food. They increase your metabolism, which also increases water loss.

Drink plenty of water or other non-alcoholic beverage. Make sure to keep rehydrating constantly, even if you don't feel thirsty. (If you have any sort of medical condition, consult your physician before any dramatic change in your fluid intake.)

Avoid alcoholic beverages. A high alcohol intake can dehydrate you very quickly.

Make use of air conditioning. Stay near one as much as possible each day. If you don't have or can't afford one, try to find a building that does and spend some time there whenever you can.

Take it easy. Limit any strenuous activities to the coolest place possible, or during the coolest part of the day. If possible, they should be eliminated wherever possible.

This news arrived on: 06/12/2006 Stay cool!

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Wednesday, July 4, 2007


Copyright © Jacques Girard, Ph.D.

Sorry to have seemingly neglected you guys lately...If you have "followed" my S.L.I.M. For Life (c) Blog herein, you'll readily understand why, and hopefully forgive me.

I am negotiating with a couple of qualified assistants and Master Mind Team members and should have the relief which will free up the extra time I need to give you my undivided attention.

Meanwhile, please do contact me so that we may keep in touch via email, Blog and/or otherwise. Thanks for your support!

Joel Broughton, one of the two heads of “PIF4P: Pay It Forward 4 Profits” (the link that precedes and ends my recent posts) , sent me a special “insiders’ invitation” today.

I had “put his and his partner Paul’s sincerity, ethics and readiness to support newbies like me to the test” on a couple of occasions, and they passed far beyond my highest expectations.

The details so impressed this Cynic that I unhesitatingly paid the unbelievable $9. entry fee.

Upon perusing what I downloaded from Chad Rissanen “The Marketing Cowboy” who created this viable turnkey pathway to Financial Freedom (including full 1 on 1 training and support), I decided to share this with all of you to further celebrate America’s Independence and 231st Birthday.

Without “talking you into anything”, I do urge you to click on this link and discover what I am so enthused about for yourself and/or someone you know who’d appreciate it. And, of course, do not hesitate to contact me personally if you have any questions, comments, etc.

Best of all, you do not need to be American to participate ! LOL…Check this out, won’t you?

And, while you’re at it, if you haven’t done so yet: check out the payitforward4profit link too!

HAPPY FREEDOM DAY and LIFE to you all!

Your Friend,


About the Author:SEE PROFILE
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