Thursday, December 20, 2007

Food that can trigger migraine headaches


With the imminent Holiday celebrations upon us, I felt that this article deserves to join other wise precautionary statements and warnings to help make this season safer, healthier, thus: happier. Just as importantly: the following article also contains lists of headaches/migraines "triggers" to avoid throughout 2008 and beyond.

I wish you and yours a Wonderful Holiday Season!




Avoid these head-banging foods - they are migraine makers!

Special to the Star-Banner

I suffer with migraines and have to take Maxalt 2 or 3 times a month. My girlfriend says that certain foods trigger these for her, like Parmesan cheese and red wine, but I don't consume either of those. Anything else that can cause them? - GL, Idaho Falls, Idaho

Many foods precipitate disabling headaches, and yes, cheese and wine sit among the foods that I call "migraine makers." Take a look at the following list and see if these could be affecting you:

Caffeine: It actually goes both ways, meaning caffeine can relieve a headache for some people, but in others, it can cause one. If it helps you, then try OTC meds like Excedrin Migraine or brew a cup o' Joe.

Nitrate or nitrite: These are preservatives which open up tiny blood vessels increasing blood flow, which leads to pressure and pain. It's found in processed meats because it produces that fresh, pink color and protects against Clostridium botulinum. It also imparts a 'cured' taste. Avoid bologna, pastrami, pepperoni, corned beef, smoked fish, bacon, sausage and hot dogs.

MSG (monosodium glutamate): It hides the tinny taste in canned foods, and it's often added to Chinese food. MSG is the hardest food trigger to eliminate, and having tried, I know you will drive yourself crazy trying. It's found in soups, diet foods, bouillon cubes, peanut butter, nuts, salad dressing, frozen pizza, donuts, hot fresh baked bread and fast food. It's disguised by many other names such as hydrolyzed protein, calcium caseinate yeast food, hydrolyzed vegetable protein and dozens more.

Tyramine: This amino acid naturally occurs when compounds in foods break down; it's not added to foods. It's a migraine maker because it raises blood pressure in your head, and everywhere. A small amount is found in some chocolates, but larger amounts are found in strong aged cheese like Parmesan, blue, Brie, etc. It's also in beans, red wine and dairy products like yogurt, sour cream, buttermilk. Sauces that contain vinegar deserve mention here: Salad dressing, ketchup, olives, pickles, marinades, sauerkraut and soy sauce.

Alcohol: All forms - including beer, wine, champagne and liqueurs - all expand your blood vessels, increasing pressure in the head; in addition, some alcoholic beverages contain tyramine.

Nightshade vegetables: It's hard to pinpoint if these foods are a problem because headaches (and arthritic flare-ups) could take up to two days to become evident. Tobacco products are on the list of foods to avoid, as well as tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, cherries, peppers (sweet peppers and chili peppers but not black pepper) and tomatillos.

Artificial sweeteners: Avoid foods and drinks sweetened with Splenda, NutraSweet and Sweet 'N Low if you get migraines, panic attacks or anxiety. I can't tell you how many people have thanked me for relieving their headaches with this trick.

Did you know?

Nasal irrigation devices can help clear the sinuses of mucus, bacteria and pollutants, naturally relieving congestion, stuffy noses and allergies.

This information is not intended to treat, cure or diagnose your condition. Suzy Cohen is the author of "The 24-Hour Pharmacist." For more information, visit

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