Saturday, March 21, 2009

Prayer For Financial Healing

"Adversity is another way to measure the greatness of individuals. I never had a crisis that didn't make me stronger."

-Lou Holtz


From the deep reaches of my heart and soul,
To the highest love in heaven,
I pray for a healing of my financial situation.

I reach a hand to the abundance of the universe,
And pray that I learn to transform my fear into possibility.
Let me open to all the good that exists in this world.

I lift my head up to the sun
And pray that I am inspired to turn darkness into light.
Let me raise myself up beyond my problems.

I look toward the future and what-could-be
And pray that I can believe in myself and my abilities.
Let me know in my heart that I have great strength.

I honor the place of fear that has gripped me,
But I pray that I do not let it own me.
Let me do what I can to bring peace to my financial situation,
And trust that this too will pass.

- Rev. Laurie Sue Brockway


Dear Friends,

Regretfully, the shock and daily upheavals of recent events have kept me away for a while---yet, you have have continued to be in my mind and heart!

I shall endeavor to write more often from now on, and pass along to you some most exciting and remunerative opportunities to EARN substantially during these harsh times. As a matter of fact, I shall be using this new domain name on one of my recent websites: www, ---more to come soon!
I wish you and yours a healthy, peaceful and comfortable weekend!


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