Tuesday, June 22, 2010

TIME is Money...and Much More!

"While it is reprehensible to cheat , "con", steal money or "stuff" from another, nevertheless if the injured party is reasonably healthy, they can always "pick themselves up, dust themselves off and start over again", as it says in the song. Perhaps even receive compensation from their Insurance Company, if the latter is honorable.

To waste or steal the Time of another, however, is totally unforgiveable as even the wealthiest person on earth could not buy a minute or a second of Time if their life depended on it.

This principle is especially valid in the case of an appointment, date or other Time-related Commitment made to another, then rudely and irresponsibly delayed or unkept without first alerting the waiting party

The above and many other good character, moral, ethical, common courtesy, decency, consideration, and respect (re)builders of all sorts are the subject of my upcoming book, "Promises...Promises...Promises..." (for those who say "yes!" too readily: How to make Less and Keep All of them).

It is a new, challenging guide on simply treating others the way you like being treated yourself (or should), and is the Psychological Imperative of becoming a habitual, automatic Promise Keeper: one whose Word, once given, is his/her personal Universe...a "fait accompli (a done deal)..."money in the Bank"!

Just imagine living in a World of punctual, reliable, dependable Promise Keepers, with You as a shining example who Always honors the value of others' Time!

Jacques Girard, Ph.D., C.Ht.

"Don't say you don't have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Louis Pasteur, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson and Albert Einstein."
- Jackson Brown Jr., writer

"Someone might have a germ of talent, but 90% of it is discipline and how you practice it, what you do with it. Instinct won't carry you through the entire journey. It's what you do in the moments between inspiration."
- Cate Blanchett, actress


The value of time:

To understand the value of a year, talk to a student who has
failed an important exam.

To understand the value of a month, talk to a mother who has
given birth to a baby a month prematurely.

To understand the value of a week, talk to the publisher of a
weekly newspaper.

To understand the value of an hour, talk to a couple in love
who are separated and want only to be together again.

To understand the value of a minute, talk to someone who has
just missed a train or a plane.

To understand the value of a second, talk to someone who has
lost a loved one in an accident.

To understand the value of a millisecond, talk to someone who
won a silver medal at the Olympic Games.

Time waits for no one. Gather all the time you have left every
moment, and it will be of great use to you. Share it with people
you value and love and it will become even more precious.

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