Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Honoring the wisdom of the late Jim Rohn...

...who passed away on December 5 last (R.I.P.).

A mutual friend emailed me one of his seminars on video and I wish to share with you a few of its most memorable passages...

SUCCESS: ...is not something you pursue. It is something that you attract by the person you become, or by becoming an attractive person.

PROFITS are better than wages. The latter make you a living. Profits make you a fortune.

Your income is directly related to your personal philosophy, not the economy.

Don't search the exotic until you master the basic.

When things cost too much for your budget and you can't afford them, remember that life places the most valuable things on the top shelf. With every book you read, and stand upon, you are that much closer to reaching the top.

THANK YOU for gems such as the above, Jim! WE SHALL REMEMBER THEM AND YOU!


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