Monday, August 2, 2010

***The surest way to become a better and more confident public speaker***

In the late Robert B. Parker's latest Spenser novel, "Cold
Service," Spenser says to Susan this about his sidekick Hawk:
"He's nearly always right. Not because he knows everything. But
because he never talks about things he doesn't know

This is a good tip for public speakers, bloggers, writers, and
anyone else who communicates: stick to what you know and you'll
be a more effective, more persuasive, more credible communicator.

And by "knowing" a thing, I don't mean just researching and
reading about it. I mean knowing from actual experience.

The only way to ensure total credibility as a speaker is to not
speak on a subject unless you've actually done it. If you haven't
done it and an audience member challenges you, you are completely
vulnerable ... because you don't truly know what you are talking

"This article appears courtesy of Bob Bly Direct Response Letter,"

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